Meeting Purpose and Themes:
The Global Wildfire Information System is a joint initiative of the GEO and the Copernicus Work Programs. The Global Wildfire Information System (GWIS) aims at bringing together existing information sources at regional and national level in order to provide a comprehensive view and evaluation of fire regimes and fire effects at global level.
GWIS builds on the ongoing activities of the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) Global Observation of Forest Cover- Global Observation of Land Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) Fire Implementation Team (GOFC Fire IT), and the associated Regional Networks, complementing existing activities that are on-going around the world with respect to wildfire information gathering. The development of GWIS is supported by the partner organizations and space agencies. Support to GWIS was just launched by NASA through its ROSES program
GOFC-GOLD (Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics) is a project of the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) program, which is sponsored by the Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS). The main goal of GOFC-GOLD is to provide a forum for international information exchange, observation and data coordination, and a framework for establishing the necessary long-term monitoring systems.
/sites/default/files/fireit_meetings/The GOFC-GOLD-Fire Mapping and Monitoring Theme is aimed at refining and articulating the international observation requirements and making the best possible use of fire products from the existing and future satellite observing systems, for fire management, policy decision-making and global change research. GOFC-GOLD is promoting self-organized regional networks of data users, data brokers and providers, where closer linkages and collaborations are established with emphasis on an improved understanding of user requirements and product quality. GOFC-GOLD-Fire is pursuing, in a joint effort with the Committee on Earth Observing Satellites (CEOS) Working Group on Calibration and Validation (WGCV) Land Product Validation (LPV) subgroup, the coordinated validation of fire products by standardized protocols.
The overall goal of this meeting is to promote collaboration among the US and international researchers focusing on satellite remote sensing of fires. The purpose is to review the current progress, recent developments and future prospects of satellite based fire monitoring and science for forest/natural resource management and other applications. This has been accomplished by reviewing recent progress in the various themes established by the GOFC-GOLD Fire IT and by discussing strategies towards specific objectives:
- Active fires and burnt area characterization from polar and geostationary satellite data;
- Calibration and validation of satellite fire products;
- Global geostationary network and fire products;
- Fire observations from new satellite instruments – algorithms and refinements;
- Fire radiative energy products from polar and geostationary data;
- Global fire early warning system;
- Fire management with focus on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation activities;
- Satellite fire data outreach, dissemination and activities –requirements and challenges.
Monday 1st October
9:15 – 10:30 – Opening and review of recent past activities of GOFC Fire IT and GWIS
-Agenda and Objectives of Meeting - M Wooster [Kings College, London] D. Roy [South Dakota State University, USA], J. San-Miguel [JRC, Italy] [Presentation]
-Summary of the past meeting in London, Nov. 2017 - M. Wooster [Kings College, London] [Presentation]
-Main events in relation to GOFC Fire IT in the last year - D. Roy [South Dakota State University, USA] [Presentation]
-Main events in relation to GWIS in the last year - J. San-Miguel [JRC, Italy] [Presentation]
Coffee break (30 mins)
11:00 – 12:30 – Session on active fire detection from geo-synchronous and geostationary satellite sensors & products (L. Giglio)
-JPSS and GOES-R Programs and Active Fire Products at NOAA– Ivan Csiszar [NOAA, USA][Presentation]
-VIIRS, GOES-R, and Landsat-class active fire product status – Wilfrid Schroeder [NOAA, USA][Presentation]
-SLSTR, Meteosat, Himawari & GOES-E/W AF Product Update – Martin Wooster [Kings College, London] [Presentation]
-CGMS and Geostationary fire monitoring – Mitch Goldberg [NOAA, USA] [Presentation]
-WildFireSat (WFS) mission status/update – Josh Johnston [Canadian Forest Service, Canada] [Presentation]
-Status of the FireBIRD system and latest case studies – Christian Fisher/Winfried Halle [DLR (Germany] [Presentation]
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch break
14:30 – 15:30 Session on fire danger assessment & fire weather prediction (Chair B. de Groot
-ECMWF FD products to EFFIS/GWIS – Francesca di Giuseppe [ECMWF, International, UK] [Presentation]
-Overview of Federal Wildfire Remote Sensing Support, USA– Everett Hinkley [USFS, USA] [Presentation]
-Global Fire Early Warning System – Alan Cantin [Natural Resources Canada] [Presentation]
-Fire Danger enhancements/calibration – Domingos Viegas [ADAI Univ. Coimbra, Portugal] [Presentation]
15:30 – 16:15 Session on burnt area mapping (Chair L. Boschetti)
-NASA MODIS & VIIRS BA Products Update ‐ Louis Giglio [University of Idaho,
USA] [Presentation]
-ESA Fire CCI BA Product Updates – Mihai Tanase [University of Alcala, Spain] [Presentation]
-Landsat & Sentinel Burned Area Updates – David Roy [South Dakota State
University, USA] [Presentation]
16:15 – 16:45 Coffee break
16:45 – 18:00 GWIS Developments & NASA GEO GWIS Projects (Chair A. Soja/J.San-Miguel)
-Update on the NASA Applied Science Program – Amber Soja [NASA, USA] [Presentation]
-Harmonized global active fire data set –Louis Giglio [University of Maryland, USA] [Presentation]
-Using NASA fires products to enhance GWIS – Luigi Boschetti [University of Idaho, USA] [Presentation]
-Enhancements to Fire Danger Rating in Indonesia – Robert Field [University of Columbia, USA] [Presentation]
-Enhancements in the GWIS and Web services – Jesús San-Miguel [JRC, USA] [Presentation]
-Discussion on the role & further development of GWIS (all)
19:30 Dinner & End of Day 1
Tuesday 2nd October
09:00- 10:30 Session on National/Regional Fire Information Systems and Networks in view of links to GWIS (Chairs K. Vadrevu/Anja Hoffman)
-Regional Network Overview & Activities - Krishna Vadrevu [NASA MSFC, USA] [Presentation]
-Canada - Canadian Fire Information System –Josh Johnston [Canadian Forest Service, USA]
-Brazilian Wildfire Information System - Alberto Setzer [INPE, Brazil] [Presentation]
-China – Peng Gong [Univ. Tsinghua, China] [Presentation]
-Australia – Adam Leavesley [ACT Parks and Conservation Service, Australia] [Presentation]
-New Zealand – Ilze Pretorius [SCION, New Zealand] [Presentation]
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00- 12:15 (Continuation)
SAFNET network and AFIS - Philip Frost [CSIRO, South Africa] [Presentation]
REDLATIF network– Jesus Anaya [Univ. Medellin Colombia] [Presentation]
MIOMBO network– Natasha Ribeiro [Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique][Presentation]
MEDRIN network – Ioannis Gitas [Univ. Thessaloniki, Greece] [Presentation]
Europe, Middle East and North Africa (EFFIS) – Jesús San-Miguel [JRC, Italy] [Presentation]
12:15– 13:15 Session on discussion / formulation of a 12 month plan for GOFC Fire -
priority activities and integration of data in GWIS who will be taking the lead (Chair: C. Justice/D.Roy)
-Discussion on the role & developments of GOFC Fire IT (all)
13:15 Summary of the meeting – announcement/discussion of next meeting (M. Wooster, D. Roy, J. San-Miguel)