The overall goal of the GOFC-GOLD (Global Observations of Forest and Landcover Dynamics) project is to improve the quality and availability of remote-sensing observations of forests and land cover at regional and global scales, and to produce useful, timely, and validated information from these data for application in land cover/land use management and research by users. A variety of satellite fire products and data provider resources can be accessed through navigating the side menu links. Based on the user needs, GOFC Fire-IT has been periodically producing scoping documents.
The purpose of the scoping documents is to provide latest information on the fire research to the public, policy makers as well as agencies. The topics may include but not limited to fire algorithm development, calibration and validation, pre and post-fire assessments, fire impacts on ecosystem services, fire management and policy issues, etc. In preparing the scoping documents, GOFC-GOLD-Fire IT will facilitate user workshops on specific technical issues of fire research. Some of the scoping documents can be accessed from Documents and Publications link.