S-NPP/VIIRS Active Fire Data Sets - Schroeder et al.(NOAA/NESDIS, USA)[Presentation]
European Developments - Meteosat and SLSTR - Wooster et al. (King's College London and NERC National Center for Earth Observation)[Presentation]
Geostationary Fire Radiative Power Products from Himawari8 & GOES - Weidong Xu et al (King's College, London, UK) [Presentation]
Gas flare detection with Sentinel-3, including night-time acquisition in S1-S4 - Kaiser et al. (Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany) [Presentation]
GFAS Methodology & Results - Kaiser et al. (Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Germany) [Presentation]
Remote Sensing Needs Assessment - Supporting wildland Fire Research, Monitoring and Operations - Johnston (Canadian Space Agency, Canada) [Presentation]
GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) Fire Detection and Characterization (FDC) - Ivan Csiszar and Wilfrid Schroeder (NOAA, USA) [Presentation]
Wildfire Mapping Using FireBIRD Data - Fischer (DLR Institute of Optical Sensor Systems, Germany) [Presentation]
Validation and upgrade of TET-1 L2 Data Products using the volcano Lascar as normative Reference - Lorenz (DLR Institute of Optical Sensor Systems, Germany) [Presentation]
The Canadian Wildland Fire Monitoring Sensor(CWFMS) Mission Proposal - Helena van Mierlo (Canadian Space Agency, Canada) [Presentation]
Agricultural Fire Emissions Inferred from VIIRS Are Much Higher Than Current Bottom-up Inventories - Tianran Zhang et al. (King's College, London, UK) [Presentation]
NASA MODIS and VIIRS Burned Area Products Update - Giglio et al. (University of Maryland College Park, USA) [Presentation]
ESA Fire CCI Burned AreaProduct Updates - Chuvieco et al. (Universidad de Alcala, Spain) [Presentation]
Development of a Landsat-8 Sentinel-2 global 30 m burned area product - Roy et al. (South Dakota State University, USA) [Presentation]
The GOFC-GOLD Fire – Global Wildfire Information System (GWIS) Partnership - Justice (University of Maryland College Park, USA) [Presentation]
NASA Fire Program and New NASA GEO Contributions - Vince Ambrosia (NASA Applied Sciences Program, USA) [Presentation]
Development of a harmonized multi-sensor, global active fire data set - Schroeder et al. (NOAA/NESDIS, USA) [Presentation]
Using the NASA polar orbiting fire product record to enhance and expand the Global Wildfire Information System (GWIS) - Boschetti (U. of Idaho) and Roy (South Dakota State University, USA) [Presentation]
Fire weather applications in Indonesia: GPM and forecasting - Robert Field (Columbia University, USA) [Presentation]
More fire weather data for the Global Wildfire Fire Information System - Robert Field (Columbia University, USA) [Presentation]
Inputs for fire Risk Management - Chuvieco (Universidad de Alcala, Spain) [Presentation]
An overview of the Fires in Portugal in 2017 - Viegas et al (Universidate De Coimbra, Portugal) [Presentation]
CEOS LPV : Active Fire & FRP - Gareth Roberts (University of Southampton, United Kingdom) [Presentation]
SAFNET - Philip Frost (CSIR Meraka Institute, South Africa) [Presentation]
RedLaTIF - Saldana (Assimila, UK) and Lopez (CONABIO, Mexico) [Presentation]
MIOMBO - Kamoto et al. (Lilongwe University, Malawi) [Presentation]
SEARRIN - Vadrevu (NASA MSFC) [Presentation]
Latin America - Lopez (CONABIO, Mexico) [Presentation]
Brazilian Wildfire Information System – Setzer (INPE, Brazil) [Presentation]
Canadian Fire Information System - Johnston et al. [Canadian Forest Service, Canada [Presentation]
Fire situation in Australia - Morgan (Global Wildland Fire Management Services, Australia) [Presentation]
Emission & Dispersion of Forest Fires - EFFIS Team (Joint Research Center, Italy) [Presentation]
The Greek National Observatory of Forest Fires - Gitas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) [Presentation]
NASA FIRMS - Davies et al. (Trigg-Davies Consulting Ltd) [Presentation]
Fire Radiative Energy eMissions Methodology (FREM) for Fire Emissions Estimation - Wooster et al. [King's College London and NERC National Center for Earth Observation] [Presentation]
Inter-comparison of MODIS AQUA and VIIRS I-Band Fire Products In An Agricultural Landscape –Implications for Air Pollution Research - Vadrevu [NASA MSFC] and Lasko (University of Maryland College Park, USA) [Presentation]
FRP-derived fuel consumption and vegetation productivity - Gareth Roberts (University of Southampton, United Kingdom) [Presentation]