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GOFC FIRE Implementation Team Meeting, Stresa, Italy, October 18th-19th, 2011



Review the current progress, recent developments and future prospects of fire science/applications and the associated GOFC-GOLD Fire implementation team (IT) related activities.

Overview presentations followed by brainstorming discussions.

Agenda [pdf]
Presenters in bold

Quick Jump to [Wednesday]

Tuesday, 18th October, 2011

1:30 Welcome from the local host – Dr. Jesus San-Miguel Ayanz

1:40 GOFC-GOLD Fire-IT status and updates - Prof. Chris Justice,
         Prof. Johann Goldammer & Dr. Krishna Vadrevu [presentation]

2:30 Fire observations from new instruments - Dr. Louis Giglio & Dr.Eckhard Lorenz

3:00 Break

3:30 Global geostationary network and fire products - Dr. Ivan Csiszar &
         Prof.Martin Wooster [presentation]

4:00 Latest updates and research on fire radiative energy products -
         Prof. Martin Wooster [presentation] & Dr. Wilfrid Schroeder [presentation]

4:30 Open Discussion – Shifting priorities and new opportunities - Prof. David Roy & 
         Dr. Stephen Plummer

5:30 Adjourn

Wednesday, 19th October, 2011

9:05   ESA update to GOFC-Fire IT. Dr.Olivier Arino [presentation]

9:10   Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC) - Fire ECV update including CEOS
           LPV–Dr. Kevin Tansey [presentation]

9:30   Progress and potential roadmap for the global fire EWS and activities -
           Dr.Bill deGroot & Dr. Jesus San Miguel Ayanz [presentation]

10:00 UN-REDD Fire-GOFC source book updates and next steps – Dr.Luigi Boschetti &
            Anja Hoffman [presentation]

10:30 Break

11:00 Update on global fire emissions inventory and combustion completeness workshop
            outputs, South Africa–Dr. Guido van der Werf, Dr. KrishnaVadrevu,
            Dr. Allesandro Brivio and Dr. K.V.S. Badarinath [presentation]

11:30 Burned area and validation theme summary and next steps – Prof. Chris Justice &
           Prof. Emilio Chuvieco [presentation]

12:00 Lunch Break

1:30 Regional network overview and updates from Wildfire 2011 meeting –
         Anja Hoffman [presentation]

                        Updates from regional networks
                           -SAFNET  –Philip Frost           [presentation]
                           -RedLatif  –Isabel Cruz             [presentation]
                           -WARN     –Abdoulaye Diouf   [presentation]
                           -SEARIN  –Mastura Mahmud [presentation]
                           -Australia –Dr. Stefan Maier    [presentation]

3:00 - 3:30 Break

3:30 Round table on next steps for GOFC-GOLD Fire IT program – Dr. Ivan Csiszar &
         Dr. Tim Lynham [presentation]

5:00. Action items. Dr. Krishna Vadrevu (Fire-IT Executive Officer)

5:30 Final remarks – Prof. Chris Justice (Fire IT Co-chair)

6.00 Adjourn

Additional slides shared:
                  -Forest service update – Dr. Everett Hinkley and Dr. Brad Quayle [pdf]
                  -Burnt area distribution by scar size – Dr. Federico Gonzalez [pdf]
                  -RedLatif - SERENA [pdf]

Meeting start date
Meeting end date


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