Welcome remarks to Session I: Overview of GOFC-GOLD Fire and the Regional networks - D. Roy, K.Vadrevu, C.Justice [Presentation]
Southern African Fire Network (SAFNet) – Wide Area Monitoring Information System (WAMIS) and fire products for the southern African region - P. Frost [Presentation]
West African Regional Network (WARN) - Bush fire monitoring in Burkina Faso using MODIS data - F. Valea [Presentation]
Observatoire Satellital des Forêts d'Afrique Centrale (OSFAC) (Central Africa) -Fire Monitoring in the Congo Basin based on MODIS: current drawbacks and future requirements - L. Mane [Presentation]
South East Asia Regional Research Information Network (SEARRIN) – Fire Situation in South East Asia - N. Thongbooncho [Presentation]
Remote Sensing Data in Supporting Wildfire Early Warning and Monitoring in Indonesia - O.Roswintiara [Presentation]
The Latin American Remote Sensing and Forest Fires Network (RedLaTIF)-
I. Cruz [Presentation]
Improving Access to NASA's Near-real Time Fire Observations - The Land, Atmospheres Near-real time Capability for EOS (LANCE) - K. Murphy [Presentation]
Welcome remarks to Session II: Summarized status-quo overview of GWF-UNISDR fire networks; Wildfire 2011 and the objectives of the Regional Sessions - J.G. Goldammer [Presentation]
Global Fire Early Warning by - B. Groot [Presentation] and regional example–Southern Africa by - K. Steenkamp [Presentation]
Common fire management & fire RS challenges, opportunities to benefit from GOFC-GOLD and GWF-UNISDR network cooperation and products. Plenary discussion for inputs GOFC/GOLD Recommendation for Wildfire 2011 statement - D. Roy/ A.A. Hoffmann [Presentation]
Meeting report [Document]
SAFNET meeting report [Document]
Participant list [Document]