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RedLatif: Wildfire Hazard Mapping and Land Cover Change in Latin America

RedLatif meeting Washington 2018

The 2018 redLatif workshop was held at the NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediciton
(NCWCP) facility in College Park, MD on 9-11 October. The dates were selected strategically to
coincide with the ForestSat1 conference, hosted by the University of Maryland and NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center on 2-5 October 2018.


Isabel Cruz (CONABIO - Mexico)*, Lilia Manzo (UNAM - Mexico)**, Jesús Anaya
(Universidad de Medellin - Colombia)*, Alexander Ariza (IGAC - Colombia)**, Jordi Brull
(CONAF - Chile) **, Nicolas Mari (INTA - Argentina)**, Gerardo Lopez (Assimila - U.K.)**
Fabiano Morelli (INPE - Brazil)#, Viviana Sales (UMD - USA) graduate student, Andre Lima
(UMD - USA) research associate, Davida Streett (NOAA - USA), Ivan Csiszar (NOAA - USA)
Wilfrid Schroeder (NOAA - USA), Garik Gutman (NASA - USA)

Remote Participants (Webex):

Emilio Chuvieco (Universidad de Alcalá - Spain), Federico Alonso (remote sensing consultant -
Spain), Carlos Beltran (Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Mexico), Patricia Silva (Mexico)
Renata Libonatti (UFRJ - Brazil), Fillippe Lemos (UFRJ - Brazil) - graduate student, Luiza
Narcizo, Angel Teran (CIIEMAD - Mexico), Maria Eugenia (CIIEMAD - Mexico), Omar Lara
(CIIEMAD - Mexico), Janice Coen (NCAR - USA).

Meeting Location
NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediciton (NCWCP) facility in College Park, MD
Meeting start date
Meeting end date


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