The 2018 redLatif workshop was held at the NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediciton
(NCWCP) facility in College Park, MD on 9-11 October. The dates were selected strategically to
coincide with the ForestSat1 conference, hosted by the University of Maryland and NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center on 2-5 October 2018.
Isabel Cruz (CONABIO - Mexico)*, Lilia Manzo (UNAM - Mexico)**, Jesús Anaya
(Universidad de Medellin - Colombia)*, Alexander Ariza (IGAC - Colombia)**, Jordi Brull
(CONAF - Chile) **, Nicolas Mari (INTA - Argentina)**, Gerardo Lopez (Assimila - U.K.)**
Fabiano Morelli (INPE - Brazil)#, Viviana Sales (UMD - USA) graduate student, Andre Lima
(UMD - USA) research associate, Davida Streett (NOAA - USA), Ivan Csiszar (NOAA - USA)
Wilfrid Schroeder (NOAA - USA), Garik Gutman (NASA - USA)
Remote Participants (Webex):
Emilio Chuvieco (Universidad de Alcalá - Spain), Federico Alonso (remote sensing consultant -
Spain), Carlos Beltran (Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Mexico), Patricia Silva (Mexico)
Renata Libonatti (UFRJ - Brazil), Fillippe Lemos (UFRJ - Brazil) - graduate student, Luiza
Narcizo, Angel Teran (CIIEMAD - Mexico), Maria Eugenia (CIIEMAD - Mexico), Omar Lara
(CIIEMAD - Mexico), Janice Coen (NCAR - USA).