The countries in South/Southeast Asia have the highest population growth rate and account for about than 35% of the global population. This population growth together with rapid economic development is causing immense pressure to convert land from forest to agriculture and from agricultural areas to residential and urban uses with significant impact on ecosystem services. Increased Land-Cover/Land-Use Change (LCLUC) in the region is disrupting and perturbing forest resources, biodiversity, regional climate, biogeochemical cycles, water resources and other ecosystem services. The aim of this meeting is to review the availability, potential and limitations of different data sources and methodologies for land-use mapping, quantification and monitoring and impact on environment. The meeting presentations will focus on synergies among various approaches and provide recommendations on how to improve the role of earth observations, ground data and modeling techniques for the improved understanding of land-use drivers and their environmental impacts.
The purpose of this international meeting is to provide a forum to discuss LCLUC and its impacts, with a regional focus on South and Southeast Asian countries. The meeting was around the following themes: (1) agriculture and water resources, 2) biomass burning, including land-atmosphere interactions, 3) urbanization, and 4) land use in coastal zones and estuaries, and 5) land use in forests and mountain regions. Overview presentations will present recent research accomplishments and the state of the art on these topics in South/Southeast Asia, and formulate future research directions and applications development needs for the region. The meeting explored the opportunities for coordination and collaboration among research scientists and teams and ongoing projects aimed to advance our understanding of the spatial extent, intensity, social consequences, and impacts on environment in South/Southeast Asian countries.
After the meeting 3-day training on remote sensing and geospatial technologies was organized at the Chiang Mai University, Thailand. Nearly 80-participants attended the training.
The meeting presentations can be downloaded from the below link:
A detailed report has been published in the Earth Observer which can be accessed from the above webpage.