- Summary of the SCERIN Formulation Workshop, 17 April 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Report from the 1st GOFC-GOLD Fire Inter-Regional Network and 1st Joint GOFC-GOLD and GWFN meeting, 9 May, 2011, Sun City, South Africa
- Report from the 8th Southern Africa Fire Network (SAFNet) Workshop, 6-8 May, 2011, Golden Gate National Park, South Africa
- Report on the 2010 annual meetings of REDLATIF and the SERENA project within the framework of the 14th International Symposium SELPER, 9-10 November, 2010, Guanajuato, Mexico
- Report on the GOFC-GOLD Session on Fire Early Warning Systems, 5 December, 2009, University of Alcala, Spain
- Report on Joint NASA LCLUC Science Team Meeting and GOFC-GOLD/NERIN, NEESPI, MAIRS Workshop: Monitoring land cover, land use and fire in agricultural and semi-arid regions of Northern Eurasia, 15-19 September 2009, Almaty, Kazakhstan
- Report on GOFC-GOLD Regional Network Data Initiative – Africa Pilot Workshop, 23 April - 8 May, 2009, Sioux Falls, U.S.A.
- Report from the 7th Southern Africa Fire Network (SAFNet) Workshop, 22-26 September, 2008, Caprivi, Namibia
- Report from the GOFC-GOLD/NERIN Symposium and Workshop on Land Cover Mapping at High Latitudes, 9-11 July, 2008, Syktyvkar, Russia
- Report from the GOFC-GOLD/NERIN Workshop on Requirements for Observations of Landcover Dynamics in Dryland Regions of Northern Eurasia, 20 September, 2007, Urumqi, China
- Report from the Regional GOFC-GOLD/NERIN Workshop on Detection and Validation of Land-Cover Change, 15-16 November, 2006, Moscow, Russia
- Report from the Regional GOFC-GOLD/NERIN Workshop, 8 July, 2006, Tomsk, Russia
- Report on the Burned Areas in Latin America in 2004 (AQL04) Workshop, 1 - 2 December 2005, Mexico City, Mexico
- The Southern Africa Fire Network (SAFNet) regional burned-area product-validation protocol, D.P. Roy, P.G.H. Frost, C.O. Justice, T. Landmann, K.L. Le Roux, K. Gumbo, S. Makungwa, K. Dunham, R. Du Toit, K. Mhwandagara, A. Zacarias, B. Tacheba, O.P. Dube, J.M.C. Pereira, P. Mushove, J.T. Morisette, S.K. Santhana Vannan and D. Davies. International Journal of Remote Sensing Vol. 26, No. 19, October 2005, 4265 - 4292
- Report on the CEOS Cal-Val Land Cover Validation Workshop (Land Product Validation) meeting, Boston University, 2-4 February 2004
- Meeting the Goals of GOFC: An Evaluation of Progress and Steps for the Future. J.R. Townshend, C.O. Justice, D.L. Skole, A. Belward, A. Janetos, I. Gunawan, J. Goldammer, and B. Lee. Pages 31-51 in: Land Change Science. Observing, Monitoring and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth's Surface Series: Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing, Vol 6. G. Gutman, A.C. Janetos, C.O. Justice, E.F. Moran, J.F. Mustard, R.R. Rindfuss, D. Skole, B.L. Turner II, and M.A. Cochrane (Eds.) 2004, XXI, 461 p. With CD-ROM., Hardcover ISBN: 1-4020-2561-0. Springer.
- Land Use and Fires. I. Csiszar, C.O. Justice, A.D. McGuire, M.A. Cochran, D.P. Roy, F. Brown, S.G. Conard, P.G.H. Frost, L. Giglio, C. Elvidge, M.D. Flanagan, E. Kasischke, D.J. McRae, T.S. Rupp, B.J. Stocks, and D.L. Verbyla. Pages 329-350 in: Land Change Science. Observing, Monitoring and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth's Surface Series: Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing, Vol 6. Gutman, G., Janetos, A.C., Justice, C.O., Moran, E.F., Mustard, J.F., Rindfuss, R.R., Skole, D., Turner II, B.L., Cochrane, M.A. (Eds.) 2004, XXI, 461 p. With CD-ROM., Hardcover ISBN: 1-4020-2561-0. Springer.
- Remote Sensing of Environment Forest Fire Prevention and Assessment, Volume 92, Issue 3, Pages 295-423 (30 August 2004) Edited by E. Chuvieco, C. Justice
- Results of GOFC-GOLD/IGAC Workshop published in AGU Special Section: Global Trace Gas Emissions From Biomass Burning, Journal of Geophyscial Reseach, Vol 109, No. D14 (9 articles) 2004.
- Global and regional vegetation fire monitoring from space: Planning a coordinated international effort. F. Ahern, J.G. Goldammer, and C. Justice (eds.), SPB Academic Publishing bv., The Hague, The Netherlands, 302 p (US$77) 2001. Book based on the GOFC-GOLD workshop on Forest Fire Monitoring and Mapping, held 3-5 Nov 1999, Ispra, Italy
- CEOS/GOLD Boreal Forest Initiative workshop summary report, E. Kasiscke, G. Gutman, T. Perrott, 28 August - 1 September 2000 56 kb
Extracted from The Earth Observer, September/October 2000, Vol. 12(5), 1pp
- A Review of AVHRR-based Active Fire Detection Algorithms: Principles, Limitations, and Recommendations, Z. Li, Y. J. Kaufman, C. Ichoku, R. Fraser, A. Trishchenko, L. Giglio, J. Jin, X. Yu, In: Forest Fire Monitoring and Mapping: A Component of Global Observation of Forest Cover, Editors: Ahern, Gregoire and Justice, Ispra, Italy, 3-5 November 1999 266kb
- GOFC-GOLD: one component of CEOS' Integrated Global Observing Strategy, F. Ahern, A.C. Janetos, E. Langham, Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment Tromsø, Norway, 8-12 June 1998, 22kb
- Global Observation of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics: A CEOS Initiative, F. Ahern, R.J. Brown, A.C. Janetos, E. Langham, First International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, June 1-3, 1998 27kb