List of MedRIN members
Invited Observers
Garik Gutman (LCLUC Program Manager at NASA HQ);
Georgios Baourakis (Director of MAICh at the International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies);
Jana Albrechtova (Professor at Charles University of Prague & Lead of the SCERIN);
Cyprus representation
- Diofantos Hadjimitsis (Professor-Vice Rector of Academic Affairs at Cyprus University of Technology);
- Andreas Christofe (Research Fellow – Department of Civil Engineering and Geomatics at Cyprus University of Technology);
France representation
- Brice Mora (former GOFC – GOLD representative)
Greece representation
- Ioannis Gitas (Professor at the Faculty of Forestry & Natural Management, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki);
- Georgios Zalidis (Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Scientific Director at i-BEC, GEOSS High-Level Working Group Member);
- Haris Kontoes (Research Director at National Observatory Athens, National Contact Point for the Exchange of National Data in GEO, National Delegate of the H2020 SPACE Program Committee);
- Ioannis Manakos (Associate Researcher at the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas);
- Stavros Stagakis (Researcher at the Remote Sensing Lab, Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Foundation for Research & Technology Hellas – FORTH);
- Chariton Kalaitzidis (Research & Studies Coordinator at the Geoinformation in Environmental Management MSc, MAICh);
Israel representation
- Eyal Ben Dor (Professor at Geography & Human Environment Dpt., School of Environment & Earth Sciences, Tel Aviv University);
- Arnon Karnieli (Professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Italy representation
- Deodato Tapete (Researcher at the Italian Space Agency)
Turkey representation
- Levent Genç (Professor at Çanakkale University)
- Irmak Yay Algan (Istanbul Technical University, Research and Application Center for Satellite Communications and Remote Sensing – CSCRS)