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11th Southern African Fire Network (SAFNet) Meeting

11th Souther African Fire Network (SAFNet) Agenda

Final Meeting Report

Day 1: Wednesday, 28 July 2021 (Recording)

Time (SAST) Event/Activity


Session Facilitator
10:00 - 11:00 A word of thanks from SAFNET

Ntando Nondo

Ntando Nondo
Overview and latest News on GOFC-GOLD Fire

David Roy, Martin Wooster, Jesus San-Miguel

SAFNET report back from 10th SAFNet meeting in Kruger National Park 2018

Chenay Simms – RSA, SANParks

Report back from Miombo meeting (3-4 June 2021)

Natasha Ribeiro, Sally Archibald

11:00 - 11:30

Virtual coffee/tea break with breakout rooms for meet, greet & network

Session 1: Fire Research and Projects in the SAFNET Region – Recent Updates

11:30 - 13:00

Burning Plots in Kruger National Park

Tercia StrydomRSA, SANParks

Karen Steenkamp

Current status of AFIS and new developments

Riaan van der Dool RSA, CSIR

Community-based Fire Management and REDD+. Where to from here?

Val CharltonRSA

Mapping paleofire studies from southern Africa's grassy ecosystems: implications for management

Abraham DabengwaRSA, Wits University

Friend or Foe? The potential role of media framing social perspectives on fire

Izak SmitRSA, SANParks

Could CO2-induced changes to C4 grass flammability aggravate savanna woody encroachment?

Sarah RaubenheimerRSA, Rhodes University
13:00 - 13:45

Virtual lunch break with breakout rooms for meet, greet & network

Session 2: Re-igniting the Southern African Fire Network

13:45 - 15:30

Miombo steering committee presentations

Navashni Govender

Reflections on Fire Management Networks – Enduring and Not So

Peter MooreItaly, FAO

Facilitated breakaway groups – Ideas, measures, and action items for re-igniting SAFNET

Feedback from breakaway group

15:30 - 15:45

Virtual coffee/tea break with breakout rooms for meet, greet & network

Session 3: Fire Research and Projects in the SAFNET Region – Recent Updates

15:45 - 17:30 Update on savanna burning emissions abatement research in Botswana and Zambia

Jeremy Russell SmithAustralia

Ntando Nondo
The role of humans, climate, and vegetation in the complex fire regimes of north-east Namibia

Glynis HumphreyRSA, University of Cape Town

Variability in savanna fire emission factors

Roland VernooijNetherland, Vrije University

Africa burned area product generation and validation with Landsat- 8, Sentinel-2 and commercial Planetscope imagery

David RoyUSA, Michigan State University

National and sub-national burned area assessment information for fire activity reporting and carbon inventories from the internet based Global Wildfire Information System (GWIS)

Luigi BoschettiUSA, University of Idaho

Day 2: Thursday, 29 July 2021 (Recording)

Time (SAST) Event/Activity


Session Facilitator

Opening Session: 11th SAFNet Meeting

10:00 - 10:15

Welcome 2nd day of the SAFNET meeting

Navashni Govender

Re-cap of outcomes from breakaway groups on Day 1

Session 4: International Fire Research and Projects

10:15 - 11:45

Recent developments in the Global Wildfire Information System (GWIS)

Jesus San-MiguelItaly, Joint Research Centre

Tercia Strydom

CEOS Wildfire Pilot – Why and What for Whom?

Peter MooreItaly, FAO

FREM Geostationary Fire Emissions product

Martin Wooster UK, Kings College

Developing a strategic approach to fire information management in a large national park in West Africa

Gernot RuckerGermany, Zebris

Global prescribed burn records to help understand the future pressures of climate change on management opportunities

Matthew JonesUK, University of East Anglia
11:45 - 12:00

Virtual coffee/tea break with breakout rooms for meet, greet & network

Session 5: SAFNet’s future

12:00 - 13:15

Discussion on collaborative opportunities and projects based on outputs from Day 1 break away session

Sally Archibald

13:15 - 14:00

Virtual lunch break with breakout rooms for meet, greet & network

Session 6: SAFNet administration and governance structures

14:00 - 15:45

Election of SAFNet steering committee members

Chenay Simms


Chenay SimmsRSA, SANParks

SAFNet Administration

15:45 Closing of meeting
Meeting start date
Meeting end date


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